
Exam passed!

Exam passed!

Congratulations to our three apprentices Ina Barenbrock, Constantin Herich and Kevin Ameling, who have successfully completed their apprenticeship as carpenters and now enrich our strong team as journeymen since 01.07.2022!


With the announcement of their apprenticeship at the beginning of July, the chapter of training is closed and the three of them can successfully start their professional lives. In the pictures, the three proudly present their journeyman's piece: Ina has designed and built a jewellery stele, Constantin has chosen a desk and Kevin a piece of hallway furniture with a coat rack.


The district craftsmen's association filmed a short video with Ina about the creation of her journeyman's piece:

Hoffmann Interior Kevin Ameling Gesellenstueck


Hoffmann Interior Constantin Herich Gesellenstueck


Hoffmann Interior Ina Barenbrock Gesellenstueck